Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Some weeks be like...

As a late Christmas gift to Paige, we hit the slopes. My first time back on ski's in what seems like a hundred years. Thanks to my dear friend and longtime client, Frank Sharp, he stayed in my head all day "it's just like riding a bike"...until you have two glasses of wine and say f#*$k it this weather  sucks. Whereby Frank explained afterwards that I come from California and was spoiled lol! So glad nothing is truly wrong with me ha! I still got it along with those black diamonds;)

Yet another snow storm coupled with a day of ice stalled the beginning of the work-out week.  I felt as though I was running through mud, training was the toughest week on our conditioning program. Finally after years of wishing to move to the next rack of weights...I flat dumb bell pressed the 65's for 10 reps + 2 with help from Hubby.  I even used a 70lb dumb bell for lying overhead tricep extension...which has eluded me for as long as I can remember.  

As for my weight, things seem to be moving in the right direction.  Cardio has been approx. 45 min. a day/6 days a week....I see a 7th on my horizon, I'm going to ignore that for now and pretend it's all a bad dream.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Where has the time gone?

I overheard someone in the gym talking about a powerlifting meet, so I promptly came back to the studio and started doing research...come to find out I was ranked #4 in the country under 100% Raw Federation for year 2010 open bench press.  What a dumbass (thanks Teresa).

Last year I decided to add Bikram yoga to my weekly routine...low and behold my squat and bench started to increase even better than 2010. Focus, meditate, be still.  It has been a goal of mine to hold the state record in bench press and since Hubby is back to dieting for a show I'll be cutting back my calories anyway, so I'm finding my way back.  The goal is to beat the American Record in June under the AAU Federation for bench press.  My weight will definitely be a struggle to get back down, 46 is not on my side along with the slow decline of  my diminishing hormone levels.  This will be toughest struggle to date

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Better off safe than sorry....

Going into the new week of training I came to grips with my weight belt.  Recovering from Yorton my belt adjustment has gotten incrementally larger.  I was thankful the gym was empty as I sat watching my belt be loosened for the 3rd time, how humiliating it feels to have your coach re-adjust your weight belt. With my renewed attitude of  "better off safe than sorry" training turned a corner.  I immediately squatted 225lbs and my mental state began to turn.  Cardio has become part of my daily routine (with the exception of Sunday's) essential due to my body type, there's a depressing statement...

We are 13 weeks out from Richmond Pro Bowl, Hubby is starting to taper his diet starting tomorrow.......my excitement is starting to build!  His starting weight is around 168 with the goal of 149, all done through diet and little to no cardio......I can only dream of such a process.  What a way to kick off dieting with the last day being the Superbowl!  Cheers!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Getting through re-entry

I sat watching Hubby eating half a pizza last night, let's not forget the Heineken, I couldn't help but blog (other than be pissed off since I'm allergic to both) where I'm at and what I've been experiencing since Yorton Cup .  Once again I was allergic to the tanning products......my skin is still not right, my hair began falling out midway through my competitive season, like my skin, it still hasn't recovered.  My body is completely foreign, I'm waiting for a glimpse of what I used to be and to feel comfortable in my skin.  My weight will be discussed at a later date....lol! My vision is way off......oh, I forgot, I am over 40 so that's to be expected!

Life is coming back into focus and starting to settle; Chelsea is situated in Baltimore, Tess is deciding which college to commit too, Paige is waiting for snow days, and Hubby starts dieting in 3 weeks for our first pro show (May 5th)......

Training has been a wonderful escape with no pressure.  Coach is waiting for my next move, I'm thinking power lifting in the fall........my bench is stuck @135, I have some work ahead since my last meet.....a personal best of 150lbs.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Have a seat, this is going to take a minute.....

Some of the greatest moments of my life happened in the last 6 months; inspiring my hubby without even knowing it, college acceptance letters, two third place trophies, mostly being a part of an unstoppable team.  The excitement I continue to hold onto for Hubby's IFPA's pro-card, I replay over and over in my mind......and the tears still fall, even as I write this.

Coach had been waiting to see my stage photos before making his final synopsis........fortunately and unfortunately he feels we should leave the door open for me to compete again.  On Wednesday, last week, my emotions got the best of me as I was wrapping up my training, the thought "will I miss it" kept going through my mind. So the question remains......will I miss the stage enough to endure such an extreme form of discipline and selfishness? Perhaps the biggest inspiration of my last competition was when all of the women bodybuilders were waiting backstage (13 in total), we were discussing our ages before they called the top 5, would you know it that at the age of 42 I was the youngest!!!

Eli, I weighed 122 today, thanks to Patty's generous Buzz gift of energy bars.......I ate one a day till they were all gone (6 in total), along with too many other things to list (both of you take a drink).  Going without alcohol for so long, I've actually lost my taste for it, perhaps I will work on that this winter!

Huge thanks to the following: my sis, who made me laugh through the process; Tessy, who produced a beautiful college essay out of my 6 months of focus, who Hubby and I think may one day become a bodybuilding judge; Chelsea, for always sending positive thoughts and keeping up with my countdown; my Hubby, how can words express that within our devotion to a sport we would become so much stronger as a couple.......an amazing team.

Heads up for Cinco De Mayo 2012.......Hubby's first pro show in Richmond, Virginia!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

3rd place and Hubby wins the Cup!!

Words cannot express the elation and complete utter happiness that woke me up early this morning!!  Not only did I wrap up 6 months of dieting with a 3rd place trophy at the biggest natural bodybuilding event, my hubby, after years of honing and perfecting his diet/conditioning, wins the Men's Overall earning his pro-card.  This is something that we have worked at for years.....and it has come true, no really I'm staring at the trophy!!!  He has always been my champion, now everyone knows why.

We celebrated at Uncle Julio's with our "usual", and honestly, my excitement has me in such a state of euphoria, that I'm not craving any foods......all I want to do is cook for my family and hold onto this great moment in our life.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The 19th birthday and Kim Kardashian

Do you ever have those days when it's gloomy outside and you just want to curl up in front of the TV?  Wednesday afternoon just so happened to be that day for me and so I began channel surfing.  There is a definite sign of low body fat when I got teary eyed at Kim Kardashian's over the top wedding 1000th replay, seriously what is wrong with me, get a grip!!!!

This weeks events:  Our Chelsea turned 19 on Tuesday.......I would have given anything to eat the Dove Chocolate Brownie ice cream concoction I've made her since she was little, Thursday Tess competed at Districts Varsity Cheer competition for the final time and Paige got to remain in her full arm splint instead of a hard cast (due to a zip line accident), best news of all...dun dun dun Chelsea received final acceptance to University of Baltimore......it's amazing that Hubby and I stay focused, well just me!

Finally, I may be ending cardio on Sunday - taking the final week to rest and pose, can I get a amen!  Now I wait for coach to give my final instructions......1 week out and weighed in at 117.5 today!